1. Offset 抵消
英文释义:to serve as a counterbalance for
例句:The amount of revenue received was offset by the costs.
2. Parity 平等;对等
英文释义:the state of being equal or equivalent
- approaching/achieving parity
- to have parity with
例句:The number of cows milked achieved parity with the number of sheep sheared.
3. Proportionate 成比例的(正比)
例句:The rate of car theft remained proportionate with the overall crime rate, with both increasing at the same frequency.
- inverse proportion 反比
例句:The amount of electricity produced by coal and that of oil saw an inverse proportion, with electricity from coal increasing while oil-produced electricity fell.
- inverse proportionate decrease/increase 反比例减少或增加
The trend of using hydroelectric power saw an inverse proportionate increase and then decrease compared to the trend of electricity produced by natural gas.
4. Correlation
英文释义:a relation existing between phenomena or things or between mathematical or statistical variables
例句:The number of newspapers read showed a correlation with literacy.
5. Parallel 平行
英文释义:extending in the same direction, everywhere equidistant (等距), and not meeting
例句:The two trends were parallel throughout the whole period.
6. Trajectory
The consumption of beef and pork witnessed a parallel downward trajectory.
常见搭配:parallel trajectory
例句:The two trends had a parallel trajectory until 1998, at which point they diverged.
7. Diverge 分叉;岔开
英文释义:to move or extend in different directions from a common point
例句:Thereafter, in 1996, the two trends diverged, with the amount of beef consumed decreasing and pork increasing.
8. Intersect 相交;交叉
英文释义:to meet and cross at a point
例句:However, in 1997, the increasing trend of students from Malaysia intersected with the decreasing numbers coming from Japan.
9. Threshold 门槛;开端
例句:..., and, crossing the threshold of the number of Japanese students, continued to rise to become the most prevalent group of foreign students.
10. Denominate 以(某种货币)为单位
高频搭配:denominated in (货币)
..., denominated in American dollars, measured from 1991 to 1999.