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2023-06-29 04:02:54 财经资讯 阅读 0


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位置: 中国

类型: 景观

材料: 绿植

标签: 乌镇 唐子颖 张东 浙江

分类: 庭院 酒店

江南 | Jiangnan



▼酒店鸟瞰图,Bird-eye’s view


Wuzhen Alila Hotel is located in a wetland. It was a former habitat for thousands of egrets. Based on this ecological background, architects decide to retain part of the wetland.

▼利用主要水道在视觉上划分客房组团,hotel room groups divided visually by main waterways


It is a challenge for design and construction as architects need to build up to 123 hotel rooms on the wetland. For construction, the pile foundation is deeply underground while the first floor is raised more than 4m above the ground. Because of the water, the design needs to consider the relationship between the waterways in this waterside town and outer wetland, which means architects are supposed to group hotel rooms visually by main waterways, as well as think about the combination between interior water purification system and outer water. In addition, the design requires for elevation difference control for flood discharging during the rainy season.

▼酒店在水面形成倒影,the reflection of hotel buildings


In the early design stage, architects spend a lot efforts on these practical challenges: the contemporary architectural design and landscape design expect all of water levels, from indoor to outdoor, even in the channel, are flushed, although there is no artificial channel can guarantee the safety of flood discharging under the sudden flooding condition nowadays; the ideal water solution is to design an ecological filtration system, which can be a circulation together with the landscape water in the hotel, while the reality faces to the problems like the lack of water during the dry season and the high requirements of hotel landscape water, etc. Finally, architects achieve a balanced result with some visual defects, which is yet the most suitable solution to the existing environment.

▼硬质铺地庭院,courtyard with hard pave


Tall, slim metasequoia trees are used to enhance the visual guidance on each waterway. The combination of metasequoia trees and white house and black tiles follows the intention of the Jiangnan water town, serving as the representative of wetland landscape.

▼中餐厅入口,entrance of Chinese restaurant


For the landscape design of this project, architects attempt to express some abstract concepts through graphic design, which is starting with imagination, then coming back to the reality, imagination for the second round, and finally coming back to the reality.This process is full of interest, imagination and challenges.

▼早餐厅庭院,courtyard of breakfast restaurant


After repeatedly working on the direction, vision and light of each courtyard, five seasonal sceneries, out of twelve, become the public landscape intentions, while the rest becomes the landscape for hotel room groups.

▼宴会厅水景,water landscape in the banquet hall

一月气聚:旧雨相逢定三生 | January, Gather: eternal pledges in the rains


Upon entering the hotel, there is a well. And above the well, there is a courtyard.

▼酒店起始处的天井,the well at the entrance

二月水谷:落花流水忽西东 | February, River: flowing water and fallen flowers


Lines of metasequoia trees embrace narrow waterways.

▼冷杉加强了水道的视觉效果,metasequoia trees enhance the visual effect of waterways

三月驼云:千形万象竟还空 | March, Forever: everything merges into nihility


As visitors walk through, there is a wide courtyard at their sides. When blossoms, sakura flowers are like clouds with rains.

▼侧面的开阔天井,side wide courtyard

▼庭院中的樱花树,sakura in the courtyard

四月裂帛:疏影横斜水清浅 | April, Layer: sparse shadows in the shallow water


It is time to sew some new clothes. Muehlewbeckia complera blossoms fill the stone gaps under the camphor tree.

▼香樟树下的千叶兰,Muehlewbeckia complera under the camphor tree

五月袷衣,蒲月夹衣闲下舟 | May, Leisure: Peaceful life on the boat


Experience a cool early summer.

▼水杉配白房,平添一丝初夏的凉意,metasequoia trees correspond with white house, creating a feeling of cool

六月莲灿,片片莲灿满西楼 | June, Pleasure: a world of lotus


Lotus are the last flowers during the summer.

▼客房群落庭院一角,view of a corner of hotel groups

七月兰浆,桂槕兰浆天一方 | July, Corner: laurel boats and haraella retrocalla oars under sky


The scenery is reflected in the other one.

▼一方水景中的景色,the scenery is reflected in the other one

八月诗禅,舍筏登岸木樨里 | August, Linger: abandoning the boat and immersing in a world of sweet-scented Osmanthus trees


It is like a competition for Osmanthus trees to radiate their fragrance in August.

▼八月里木樨竟香,Osmanthus trees in August

九月浮槎:浮槎来去不相逢 | September, wonder: boating at will


It is a boating trip in the Milky Way.

▼畅想在水上泛舟,imagination of a boating trip

十月女泽,峰泽遥望紫云来 | October, Pounder: purple clouds at distance


Architects plant some pagoda trees as purple clouds, which should be melia azedaraches initially, turning purple clouds into white clouds.

▼树叶作云,trees as clouds

十一月乘衣归, 月落风起乘衣归 | November, winter: going back home accompanying with moon and wind


The night falls and the winter comes, urging travelers to go back home. Travelers are on their ways home.

▼阳光为清雅的江南酒店的景色染上一抹暖意,sunlight brings warmth to the hotel

十二月风雪客,日暮白屋风雪客 | December, Encounter: a pure environment with sunset, snow and wind


Sun tends to be white during the winter, corresponding to the gray sky.

▼客房组团的景观,landscape in hotel groups



The project started in May, 2015.

Just like what Gastelvetro, an Italian critic in the 16th century, said;” appreciating art is appreciating a process of overcoming difficulties.” We are not saying that it is an art-like project, but indeed, you can feel how to overcome difficulties when appreciating it.

▼中心水院手绘,sketch of central water courtyard

▼全日餐厅外手绘,exterior view of all-day restaurant

▼巷道手绘,sketch of lane

▼一月气聚手绘,sketch of January, Gather

▼二月水谷手绘,sketch of February, River

▼三月驼云手绘,sketch of March, Forever



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