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Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.


Coming up on today’s program.


  • Chinese and Hong Kong securities regulators agreed to further expand the scope of eligible stocks under the mainland-Hong Kong Stock Connect.;

  • China unveils 20 measures to build basic systems for data.

Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours


The top securities regulators in the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong SAR said on Monday that they have agreed in principle to expand the range of stocks eligible under the Stock Connect program between the two capital markets.

The move seeks to further deepen mutual stock market access between the Chinese mainland and the HKSAR and promote the development of both capital markets, according to a joint statement released by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission.

The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, which started operating in 2014 and 2016 respectively, give mainland and international investors direct access to each other's stock markets.

For northbound trading, eligible stocks will include constituent stocks of the Shanghai Stock Exchange A Share Index and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Composite Index that have a market capitalization of 5 billion yuan or above and meet certain liquidity criteria.

Stocks of companies listed on the two mainland exchanges that have issued both A shares and H shares will also be included.

For southbound trading, the scope of eligible stocks will be expanded to include stocks of foreign companies primary-listed in Hong Kong that are constituents of the Hang Seng Composite Indices and meet relevant criteria.

Also, the scope of southbound eligible stocks under Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect will be aligned with that under Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect to include constituents of the Hang Seng Composite SmallCap Index with a market capitalization of HK$5 billion or above.

Preparations for the expansion of eligible stocks will take about three months, and the stock exchanges will announce the official launch date in due course, the statement said.

After the expansion, stocks to be included in the Stock Connect are expected to cover more than 80 percent of the trading volume of stocks in the mainland and Hong Kong markets respectively.

Hong Kong's Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu said it will further strengthen "the city's role as a bridge to connect investors in China and overseas", while Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po also said it will be helpful to "lure other high-quality international companies to be listed in the SAR”.






  • China on Monday released 20 measures to build basic systems for data, aiming to give full play to China's massive data and rich application scenarios to strengthen the digital economy and boost high-quality economic development, while also stressing regulations to protect national security related to data transactions. According to the document, the country will build basic data systems in four aspects, including data property rights, circulation and transaction, revenue distribution and security governance. The measures also called for the building of a mechanism for data security compliance and orderly cross-border circulation, which supports international exchanges and cooperation in data and calls for exploring safe and standardized cross-border data flow.

    “数据二十条”发布:近日,中共中央、国务院对外发布了《中共中央 国务院关于构建数据基础制度更好发挥数据要素作用的意见》,又称“数据二十条”,构建了数据产权、流通交易、收益分配、安全治理等4项制度,共计20条政策措施。在数据产权方面,提出推进公共数据、企业数据、个人数据分类分级确权授权,建立数据资源持有权、数据加工使用权、数据产品经营权等分置的产权运行机制。在流通交易方面,提出完善数据全流程合规和监管规则体系,统筹构建规范高效的数据交易场所,培育数据要素流通和交易服务生态,构建数据安全合规有序跨境流通机制。在收益分配方面,提出健全数据要素由市场评价贡献、按贡献决定报酬机制,更好发挥政府在数据要素收益分配中的引导调节作用。在安全治理方面,提出创新政府数据治理机制,压实企业的数据治理责任,充分发挥社会力量多方参与的协同治理作用。

Moving on to regional highlights


  • China's State Council said Tuesday that it has allowed a further six cities to launch comprehensive pilot programs for opening up the service sector. The six cities, which are Shenyang, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Guangzhou and Chengdu, can carry out the pilot programs for a period of three years, starting from the date when their plans for the programs were approved. The six cities are urged to speed up reform and opening up in the service sector, accelerate development of modern services, and forge new advantages in international competition and cooperation, according to the State Council.


Greater Bay Area, Greater future


  • Guangdong Province announced Tuesday that private cars in Macau can now apply to enter the mainland. After successful booking, Macau private cars can enter Guangdong via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge starting Jan.1. It is estimated that about 80,000 private car owners in the SAR will benefit from the new policy.


Next on industry and company news


  • China's National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) said Tuesday the current raw material for two antipyretics, ibuprofen and acetaminophen, is sufficient, and the production capacity for the two medicines is being released amid surging market demand. Data from NMPA showed that 446 domestic companies hold production licenses for producing ibuprofen, 104 of which were in operation in 2021; 986 companies have been permitted to produce acetaminophen with 111 companies in operation as of 2021.


  • A cargo flight using China's self-developed aviation biofuel has arrived in Belgium after a 12-hour journey from Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province, marking the first time that the country uses such fuel for an international cargo route since it was mass produced this year, according to Sinopec Group on Monday.


  • China has cut the retail prices of gasoline and diesel from Tuesday based on recent changes in international oil prices. Gasoline and diesel prices will be reduced by 480 yuan and 460 yuan per ton, respectively, the NDRC said Monday. Car owners can save 19.5 yuan to fill up a 50-liter tank.


  • Shares in Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group advanced today after the Chinese drugmaker said that it has been granted formal approval from the Hong Kong government to take the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines developed by Germany’s BioNTech, for which Fosun Pharma is exclusive China distributor, to market. The two vaccines are now available at hospitals and clinics in Hong Kong and those who wish to be inoculated should first obtain a prescription from a doctor, the Shanghai-based drugmaker added.


  • AIA is set to invest a total of 8.7 billion yuan in its first-ever real estate project in Shanghai. The insurer obtained the north bund plot by splashing out over 5 billion yuan to acquire a 90 percent stake in a project company from units of Shanghai Industrial, a Hong Kong based company mostly owned by the Shanghai government, according to the latter's filing yesterday.


Switching gears to financial news


  • China's one-year loan prime rate (LPR), a market-based benchmark lending rate, came in at 3.65 percent Tuesday, unchanged from the previous month. The over-five-year LPR, on which many lenders base their mortgage rates, also remained unchanged from the previous reading of 4.3 percent, according to the National Interbank Funding Center.


  • The Shanghai branch of the People's Bank of China has launched a pilot project in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ) to allow firms to combine yuan and overseas currencies accounts into one, according to media reports on Monday. A total of 242 business outlets from five financial institutions, including the Bank of China and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, in the FTZ have participated in the project.


Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market


  • Chinese stocks slumped on Tuesday as the country grappled with surging COVID-19 cases, with the benchmark Shanghai Composite losing 1.07 percent, and the Shenzhen Component fell 1.58 percent. Hong Kong stocks closed with more losses. The Hang Seng index shed 1.33 percent, while the TECH index plunged 3.12 percent.


Biz Word of the Day


  • Stock Connectis a pilot program established upon the Mutual Market Access model. For the first time ever, investors in the Mainland and Hong Kong markets are able to have direct access to each other’s stock markets. Under Stock Connect, Hong Kong and overseas investors and their brokers can source market data through information vendors and public websites.


CBN丨Mainland, HK to expand eligible stocks under Stock Connect

Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

Presented by SFC

编委: 于晓娜






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